Specialized Therapy Services
What specialized therapy services are provided to children at the Studio?The following specialized occupational therapy services, programs, protocols and curriculums are offered at the Studio in North Marshfield:
Sensory Integration Therapy
is a particular area of expertise within the larger practice of occupational therapy. It involves skilled evaluation and treatment for children experiencing difficulties in all areas of sensory processing (sensory modulation, sensory discrimination, and motor-planning). Expertise in sensory integration therapy is an area of specialization based primarily on investment of time and commitment in personal study, additional coursework, advance seminars and conferences, and experiential work with sensory processing disorders. Although often misleading, ‘SIPT certification’ does not indicate level of expertise or knowledge, but rather does indicate training to administer the standardized SIPT test (Sensory Integration and Praxis Test), which focuses primarily on the motor-planning aspect of sensory processing.
The Alert Program for Self-Regulation
is a sensory-based curriculum of lessons and activities that integrates sensory integration techniques with cognitive approaches. A sensory diet is a key component of body engine therapy, which involves an individualized diet of sensory activities to support the unique sensory and neurological needs of each child. The Alert Program (AP) is designed to teach children self-regulation through sensory strategies useful for supporting attention, behavior, social interactions, and learning.
Astronaut Training Program
is a child-friendly approach to improving vestibular functioning. Therapeutically-imposed movement is incorporated with visual activities and auditory support, with a goal of integrating these three senses.
Deep-Pressure Proprioceptive Technique
refers to the Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT of WDDPT, previously known as “brushing”), is a specific sensory modulation technique and protocol developed by well-known occupational therapist Pat Wilbarger. Based on sensory integration theory, the protocol provides a particular type of sensory input that can have a calming and organizing effect on a child’s central nervous system, most often used for individuals who have been identified with sensory defensiveness, especially tactile defensiveness. Due to the very precise guidelines, the therapist must be properly trained before beginning this therapy.
(developmental level, individual differences, relationship-based) is known as the developmental approach to therapy, with its general philosophy incorporated into many therapy sessions at the Studio. This includes following a child’s lead, respecting individual differences, and challenging the child to master new developmental milestones.
The Zones of Regulation
is a curriculum geared toward helping children (and adults) learn about self-regulation, self-control, and problem-solving using a cognitive behavioral approach. Learning activities focus on recognizing different regulatory states called “zones”, with each of the four zones represented by a different color. Children creatively explore calming techniques, cognitive strategies and sensory supports to understand how to stay in a zone or move from one to another. Bringing such concepts/strategies into the home, can be a power tool for families!
Pediatric Yoga
and related mindfulness are modalities integrated into the practice of many Occupational Therapists, including here at the Occupational Therapy Studio. Utilized as part of a sensory diet, the integration of breath with movement with mindfulness prepares children to be in the just-right calm (green zone), and supports self-regulation needed for attending, learning, and playing. In addition to supporting sensory processing and self-regulation, yoga postures/sequences supports bilateral integration, motor-planning, and integration of primitive postural reflexes.
Therapeutic Listening
is a sound-based intervention that combines the therapeutic benefits of music with sophisticated sound technology.
Handwriting Without Tears
-HWT- is an easy to learn, multisensory, and developmental approach to teaching handwriting.
Social Stories
are visually presented personalized stories that address specific social situations that prove challenging for a child. Social stories walk a child through a certain situation, providing predictability and reassurance.
Sensory Stories
are visually presented stories that address particular sensory situations that may be challenging for a child. As with social stories, sensory stories provide predictability and reassurance.
Brain Gym
also referred to as Educational Kinesiology, is a series of 26 simple movements and exercises that often bring about dramatic improvement in coordination, attention, organization, academics, and memory.