Occupational Therapy at the Studio is a private occupational therapy practice geared toward making a difference in the life of each and every child of any age, developmental level, and life challenge.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is a holistic health profession focused on improving functional performance in everyday life, across the lifespan.
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Evaluation Services
Occupational therapy evaluation at the Studio involves assessing both input skills and output skills in a number of areas.
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General Therapy
Occupational Therapy at the Studio is individualized to meet the needs of each child, working in close connection with parents.
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Specialized Therapy
Specialized occupational therapy services, programs, protocols and curriculums are offered at the Studio in North Marshfield.
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Learning Center: Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?
Who Diagnoses Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?
What is the Art of Therapy For Supporting Children With Sensory Processing Struggles?
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
What is Non-Verbal Learning Disability (NLD/NVLD)?
What is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)?
What is Motor-Planning and Related Dyspraxia?
What is Fine-Motor/Visual-Motor Development and Related Dysgraphia?
What is Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD)?
Does Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Coexist With Other Diagnoses and Struggles?
What is Self-Regulation and Related Self-Regulatory Struggles?
What is Executive Functioning?
What is the Significance of the Mouth, Oral-Motor Development, and Oral Supports?
What is the Difference Between Picky Eaters and Problem Eaters?
Nutrition Fuels Our Brains As Well As Our Bodies
How is Rhythm, Sound and Music a Sensory Tool?
What Are Transition Difficulties?
What is the The Vestibular System and Why is It a Pivotal Sensory System?
Why is the Proprioceptive Movement Sense As Important As the Vestibular Movement Sense?