What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy is a holistic health profession focused on improving functional performance in every day life, across the lifespan.
- The field of Occupational Therapy is well-grounded in the science and knowledge that engagement in meaningful activity supports health, happiness, and interactive balance with the environment.
- Occupational Therapists are creative masters at the art of individualizing specific therapeutic activities to maximize functional performance in such lifelong developmental occupations of playing, learning, completing daily routines (self-care, eating, sleeping), self-regulating, and participating in leisure skills.
- Of particular concern for the pediatric occupational therapist is sensory processing (organizing and integrating information received from the 7 senses), and how each individuals sensory profile impacts adaptive functioning in areas of motor sequencing and self-regulation.
- Occupational Therapists value the process of interaction, engagement, relationship and connection, throughout the therapeutic use of activity, and the therapeutic use of self.
- “Yes, I Can!” is the voice of Occupational Therapy.